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Cheese Fries Chips Review! Herr's Chips

☆R E V I E W☆

Cheese Fries Chips by Flavor Mill which is part of Herr Foods I believe.

I picked these up at a random gas station, I wanted to try something different than my usual snack combo. 🍟

These smelled very cheesy, tastes cheesy and I got the taste of sour cream & green onion. Almost like a sour cream and onion chip with Cheddar. Which is a flavor I've always wondered why I haven't seen on the shelf, unless I've missed it? 🤔

Does the flavor scream cheese fries? Ehh I'd say maybe as much as a chip can, but there's a little too much salt for my liking. Overall I'd give these a 7 shooting stars out of 10 💫💫💫💫💫💫💫

I'd try these again! 👍

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